Sunday, November 18, 2012

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

PHP 5.4 + It uploads! + GIF and SWF support!

PHP 5.4

The decision was taken, the next version of MyImouto will require PHP 5.4+ to work. Many thanks to the 3 people that commented. Heh.
Seriously, 5.4 is much, much nicer.

It uploads!

Anyway, the new MyImouto can now upload files! The base-system (or framework) is almost complete, so all is left to do now is transcribe MoeBooru to PHP.

It's been a while since the last upload

GIF and SWF support!

Support for GIF and SWF files has been added!

Oh, Miku is sleeping.

I can now dance with Popotan!

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Again, thinking on going PHP 5.4

I'm again planing on upgrading MyImouto to PHP 5.4.

The pros are all the benefits of PHP 5.4. Well enough to upgrade.

The cons are:

  • The live demo is hosted in a hosting that doesn't support 5.4 (that sucks). Therefore, the demo would be stuck in the version 0.1.8 (until those guys finally give support to 5.4), but v0.1.8 is actually developed enough to serve as good example of the system, so this isn't a real problem.
  • I don't know about the people that use MyImouto. Do you have 5.3? Can you upgrade to 5.4? Or you already have 5.4?
Hearing about the MyImouto users would help out on the decision... I know this is a ghost blog but I have my hopes :D

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

It's alive

The system is like 35% complete, more or less, and My Imouto is alive again.
I've writen a basic system for locales. They work!


I'm slowly getting the system to the point the previous version was, but we'll get there. Eventually.

О, незавершенность.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Still Alive

This was a triumph.
I'm making a note here: Huge success!
It's hard to overstate my satisfaction.

Oh sorry. I'm still alive.
I'm, again, writing new code for the system, actually re-writing everything from scratch. has taken a step away from Danbooru by changing their system to Moebooru, which has been updated to Rails 3 and stuff, so the code has changed here and there.

The next version of MyImouto will be a port of Moebooru. Yay!

Like usual, it might take a while.

Monday, July 23, 2012

Oh my... Zend Framework

I've been trying to move the system to Zend Framework.

Yeah, I thought of throwing away the framework I worked on and migrate everything to Zend.

With time and patience, I've been able to recreate some classes like ActiveRecord and ActionController, they worked successfuly on Zend. Yay... but seriously...

Friday, June 22, 2012

Removing MySQL support

Does anyone use MySQL instead of PDO for MyImouto?

I think I'll remove support for this in the next version. PDO is much more secure and better, there's no much reason to keep MySQL.

Those who use MySQL please enable the PDO extension for PHP (if not enabled) and change the driver to 'pdo' in config/app_config.php.

Sorry for the trouble this may cause.

I know this is a ghost-blog but I'm doing my part of asking and letting "everyone" know. lol.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Enabling Job Tasks

I decided to find a way to enable Job Tasks for MyImouto.

At first I thought of just adding scheduled events in MySQL, but then I realized Job Tasks run not only queries but also Ruby code.

I also realized that Danbooru uses a gem called Daemons that runs a RoR script (or something like this) somehow, and the Job Tasks are called.

I was able to do the same with MyImouto using Windows' Scheduled Tasks: It runs php.exe and tells it to run a php file, which starts the MyImouto system and then runs the job tasks! Just like in RoR.

It worked nicely, the job task deleted all my tags with count of 0. Amazing. lol.

One would have to setup the Scheduled Task on Windows to enable this. The task can be exported and imported and easily edited (it's an XML file) so it's not really a problem.

But most servers run Linux, so my question is: Does anyone know how to do setup scheduled tasks on Linux that will run PHP every certain hours?

Go to rest, you deserve it. I'll call you later.

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Wild email

Oh my...

Coming along with Artists section on the next patch.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Err... no. Bad idea

I said the next version of MyImouto will be for PHP >= 5.4, but no, nothing will change about that. It will need PHP >= 5.3 as always.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

MyImouto version 0.0.3

Soon the version 0.0.3 will be released, featuring, again, huge changes to the system code and new sections: Wiki, Popular Posts and Help (which is actually nothing but almost pure html files).

Also some bug fixes (like showing a forum post even if no id is specified), changes/fixes to the database... and more.

Wiki versions history

Important changes

  • The password hash for the users will be changed, their passwords will be reset and it'll be their usernames. Sorry about that.
  • This new version will use the cool features of PHP 5.4. It won't work under PHP 5.3.* anymore. Sorry about that too.
  • Finally, the system configuration will have to be re-set once again. And again, sorry about that too. Heh.

Monday, February 6, 2012

The thread that got stickied

The next release (version 0.0.2) will feature tons of changes on the system code plus the complete Forum section...!

petopeto imposing respect again

I only need to put the files in order.

Funny thing about the pic is that I forgot to stick the thread... heh.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

It's done!

My Imouto is ready again. It'll be released in the following hours, after GoogleCode finishes its maintenance.

The new system brings no new features, but it brings a new base with which expanding the system will be really easy, and its functionality is very similar to that of Danbooru or Oreno.Imouto (it practically is Danbooru for PHP).

That said, screenshots won't look any different from previous versions. The code, however, is completely new.