Saturday, April 14, 2012

Err... no. Bad idea

I said the next version of MyImouto will be for PHP >= 5.4, but no, nothing will change about that. It will need PHP >= 5.3 as always.


  1. Currently updating to the latest version, and I got a couple questions :
    - Did the batch upload feature dissapear? I can't seem to find it anymore. I'm gonna have a hard time doing all pictures one by one :/
    - Anonymous users seem to be able to reach and execute scripts on the sysadmin URL. As most users probably won't change the sysadmin URL in the settings, that may be a security issue.
    - Not a bug but just a suggestion : With each new release, you should make a zip that contains everything in one go (latest version), so that people do not have to use the upgrade.

    This is all I could find right now.
    Your work is very much appreciated as always. keep it up!



  2. - The former "batch upload" feature, that converted instead of uploading, is now called Import, it's under the Posts menu or in /post/import.
    - Anonymous users can reach the sysadmin page? It is protected by IP, by default you can only access it if you connect to the server locally. Are you sure anyone can access it in the later versions?
    Actually this could be removed by now, although it's useful to run scripts for upgrades.
    - Well, sometimes just one or two files are changed for a patch. Packing everything again for just a couple of files, considering that not many people will be creating new installations of the system but are more likely to upgrade... I just thought of making a "full patch" every few patches, that includes all previous patches. And probably every few more patches, releasing new base files.

    I find running scripts for upgrades useful. For example for automatically updating the system version without having to re-include the config file, thus users won't have to re-set their configuration again and again. Lately there haven't been database changes so the Upgrade scripts only change the version of the system. But whenever changes are made to the database, these scripts are very useful.

    Thanks to you for the support!

  3. I think I missunderstood you with the zip that contains everything in one go. You mean running the scripts for upgrade automatically instead of making users go to /sysadmin and running them manually?

    If this is what you meant, the only ways of achieving this are:

    - Inserting the script in, for example, the index.php and once the script is ran, rewrite the same file without the upgrade code, I mean leaving it as it originally is.

    - Or make an if (is_file('config/upgrade.php')) include it, but I don't really like the idea of checking for a file all the time, specially when I know it will be there rarely and will be used once.

    Hmm if I had to choose one I'd go for the first option.

  4. Okay, forget what I said about sysadmin. I had a generic access denied when I first tried to display the board, but it was because I didn't do the install procedure yet (thought it was global, and I didn't care to check the IP filter after I upgraded). My bad :/

    My bad² for the upload_batch > import thingy ! I was so focused on finding a file with "batch" in its name that I didn't notice the import one. Default link on the board points to a 404 batch and I was misled into thinking it was that one I should try to find.

    For the last point, this is just for convenience purposes of course. Usually when a new version is released you have the associated "latest pack" containing all the latest files (here, that would be a pack with the board 0.1.5 ready) so that no upgrade is usually needed after a first install. But, this is also a good way to force people to learn using the sysadmin page.

    Oh, you probably noticed that, but you get a "password reset" message when you go the the "My Account" page after being logged in. Hopefully this is just a visual error and does nothing.

    Well, in the end I pretty much wasted everyone's time with those questions. Sorry :p


  5. Don't say that, if you have any doubt or thought about the system, don't hesitate on speaking them out.

  6. Seems like the right place to ask.

    Having a hard time getting myimouto to run in tandem with PyroCMS. I'm running WAMP with rewrite_module enabled. I understand you base your tutorial on XAMPP but they are very much the same from experience. I find WAMP a little more friendly on the clientside, much faster to work with while designing locally and such, just personally.

    I've got it installed like this at the moment:

    When I try and access that folder online, PyroCMS seems to take charge of, I added an exception for myimouto but it doesn't seem to want to let myimouto come forward. I'm actually new to PyroCMS, but not to PHP. I've done pretty much everything I can think of.

    Because I havn't been able to access it, I can't even install it.

    Bit of a pain. Strapped for alternatives too, you're the only person keeping a good, windows friendly php booru alive. Mad props for the work. Just wish I could get the thing running!

    1. Sorry for the long wait. Haven't checked my Gmail for some days...
      (for faster responses please post your questions here

      I must ask, have you fixed the problem yet?

  7. I agree with this decision. I have VPS hosting, and they don't keep their PHP versions super up-to-date. So if you went 5.4, I'd probably be locked into the 5.3 version for a while.
