Monday, July 23, 2012

Oh my... Zend Framework

I've been trying to move the system to Zend Framework.

Yeah, I thought of throwing away the framework I worked on and migrate everything to Zend.

With time and patience, I've been able to recreate some classes like ActiveRecord and ActionController, they worked successfuly on Zend. Yay... but seriously...

I can't stand this anymore. Zend Framework is not fun at all. 0% fun.

Plus it's very slow.

So with what I've learned from Zend I guess I'll go back and revamp my framework... because it's so much fun to code with it. Rails is fun.

Yay Ruby on Rails!

Ok, not Ruby...

Yay PHP on Rails!

Also another thing that is delaying the development is the release of Moebooru by I'm planing on basing MyImouto on that code, which is updated to Rails 3 and stuff. But they're fixing a lot of bugs, it might be a good idea to wait a little while.

Instead of re-creating the current system... why not fully port it to Zend...
Either way this is gonna take a while.

1 comment:

  1. I have an idea. One of this days, login to your chat, vader-kun :P
