Wednesday, November 2, 2011

It updates!

The new MyImouto system can now update posts. It's slowly getting rebuilt.
The code:

Top: New MyImouto; Bot: OrenoImouto

It's beautiful compared to the 46 lines of code of the current update function...


  1. Thanks alot for your dedication in making this.

    I really liked that imageboard idea, but I knew it was made in ruby so I thought "would be so cool if someone made this in php".
    Just for fun I googled, and found your project on google code :>
    I'll be using your project to display my image galleries (after a couple of tweaks) instead of my current solution. It'll be much better ;)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I really like this idea, it's really really wonderful, but I tried to install it (I follow all the steps) the php installation is good, but I can't access to any section! (Posts Comments Tags or Wiki)
    and neither can access to /myimouto/index.php (it get me an 404 error) i doing something wrong or the package have some errors?

    Thanks for read my bad english, and sorry for bother you.

  4. What error do you get when you go to What kind of 404 error do you get? MyImouto's one ("Page not found - Return to index") or your web server's ?

  5. You can also check this out:
